FIRE Journey 1, Topic 1
In Progress

P9 | FIRE Away | Your To Do List

P9 | FIRE Away | Your To Do List

Fix It: Find Your Peace

Are you ready to FIRE Diabetes in 40 Days? Over the coming days you have to put a few practical things in place before the FIRE diabetes Journey starts in a week’s time.


  1. Watch today’s video.
  2. …(Or listen to the podcast. Nothing to FIRE the traffic, like our daily podcasts).
  3. Implement the eating tips we shared yesterday. Eat at a table, hold hands, say a prayer, think about your food’s journey to the plate, chew every bite carefully, avoid all distractions from the main business at hand, which is to have a good time with people you love.
  4. Add information towards building your very own health record. Today, you need to add all your medications to your record. This is very important for our medical team, who will be reviewing your record tomorrow.
  5. Diarise Monday evening’s LIVE online discussion with Chef Pete Goffe-Wood at 20h00 (GMT +2h). You can join us live on Zoom or watch the live stream on our FIRE Diabetes Club Facebook group.
  6. If you haven’t done so yet, plan your coming week, ensuring you’ll get to all your FIRE Away tasks. If you fail to plan, you plan to fail. Don’t fall behind!
  7. Ask a question to the FIRE Diabetes team or leave a comment.


Listen to podcast:
