FIRE Journey 1, Topic 1
In Progress

DAY 37 | Tips to FIRE, today

  1. Continue with your 72 hour fast. You will break your fast with a light lunch!u00a0
  2. Get into the kitchen and enjoy todayu2019s fabulous meals u2013 hopefully with family and friends! Share your photos on our WhatsApp Group.u00a0Stick to the green list! Take your prescribed food as medicine! Donu2019t cheat!
  3. Remember tou00a0hydrate. Drink at least 3 litres of fluids over 24 hours when you are fasting (e.g. water, tea, rooibos, coffee).
  4. Do youru00a0exercisesu00a0first thing in the morning.
  5. Take 3 deep breaths every hour. Breathe in…breathe outu2026
  6. Spend at least 15 minutes every day inu00a0uninterrupted prayer or meditation.
  7. Haveu00a0fun! And at least one goodu00a0belly laughu00a0today…u00a0
  8. Before you go to bed,u00a0take the list and check whichu00a0false thought patterns and thought mistakesu00a0resurfaced during the day. Tell these thoughts and fears u2013 in no uncertain terms u2013 that they are false and tell yourself how you will replace them with thoughts to encourage and assist you on your journey to FIRE Diabetes in 40 Days.