Create your password
Welcome to our platform! We’re glad you’ve signed up. To ensure a smooth return to our website, follow these instructions:
Check your email
Check your email inbox for a message from [email protected] with the subject line: “Your FIRE for Life account has been created!“
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Inside the email, you’ll find a link to create your password. Click on that link.
After setting your password, you can easily access your content by following the steps below, depending on the device you’re using:
For a computer:
- Open your preferred web browser (e.g., Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Safari)
- Visit
- Look for the “Sign in” option in the top right corner and click on it
- Enter your email address or username, along with the password you just created
- If you wish, select the “remember me” option to stay signed in for future visits.
- Once logged in, click on your profile name, find the “Courses” section, and select “My courses.”
Check out this video to learn more about the process.
For a mobile phone:
- Open your preferred browser app (e.g., Chrome, Safari)
- Visit
- Look for the Menu icon in the top left corner and tap on it
- Select “Sign in” from the menu
- Enter your email address or username, along with the password you just created
- If desired, select the “remember me” option for automatic sign-in
- Once logged in, tap on your profile icon in the top right corner
- A dropdown menu will appear. Select “Courses” and then “My courses”
If you encounter any issues, feel free to reach out to our support team. Enjoy your learning experience with us!