Welcome to Day 37 of our journey to FIRE Diabetes In 40 Days.
Well done on completing your 72-hour fast! As you prepare to break your fast, it’s best to start with a small meal that’s rich in healthy fats and lower in protein. Consider incorporating eggs into this meal and focus on foods high in fibre. You can gradually resume normal-sized meals following the usual FIRE principles for your next meal after breaking the fast.
If you encounter any gastrointestinal discomfort or notice that the fast-breaking meal quickly passes through your system, don’t worry. Simply keep subsequent meals small until your gut settles down. This could be an indicator that your gut microbiota is adjusting, and it will find balance in due course. Keep up the great work!
Today, we focus on immunity and how the FIRE lifestyle helps to boost immunity and fight infection.
- Access youru00a0FIRE mapu00a0for todayu00a0(bottom of this page).
Watchu00a0todayu2019s videou2026or listen to the podcast on Soundcloudu00a0(nothing to FIRE the traffic, like our daily podcasts)
Readu00a0todayu2019s handout - Daily Check-In. If you donu2019t measure it, you canu2019t move it. Those who submit their Daily Check-In reports every day get more out of FIRE Diabetes than anybody else. If youu2019re serious about firing diabetes, please take 3 minutes to complete your daily health record.
- Plan your coming week, ensuring you’ll get to all your FIRE Away tasks. If you fail to plan, you plan to fail. Don’t fall behind!
- Remember, tomorrow is your next 23 hour fast. Youu2019ll eat breakfast, and then again, breakfast the following morning.
- Implementu00a0youru00a0Tips to FIREu00a0Diabetes, today!
- Ask a questionu00a0to the FIRE Diabetes team or leave a comment.