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FIRE for Life Course

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  1. Welcome
    6 Topics
  3. Pre-Training Day 01 | FALL OF BIG DOMINO: Fixing Diabetes Is Simple
    2 Topics
  4. Pre-Training Day 02 | FALSEHOODS: 6 Myths That Hold You Back
    2 Topics
  5. Pre-Training Day 03 | FAILURE & FEAR: Shaking Off The Past, Facing The Future
    2 Topics
  6. Pre-Training Day 04 | FAILURE & FEAR: Shaking Off The Past, Facing The Future (Part 2)
    1 Topic
  7. Pre-Training Day 05 | FRIEND OR FOE? To Succeed, You Need Family, Friends and Fellow Workers to Switch Sides, Too
    4 Topics
  8. Pre-Training Day 06 | FOCUSING ON FINISHING: Fulfilling Outstanding Tasks for FIRE Journey
  9. Pre-Training Day 07 | FALLING INTO PLACE: Formalities For The Rest Of The Week
    5 Topics
  10. Pre-Training Day 08 | FEED YOUR SOUL: Eating Tips That Go Beyond Food And Nutrition
    2 Topics
  11. Pre-Training Day 09 | FIX IT: Find Your Peace
    2 Topics
  12. Pre-Training Day 10 | FIX IT: Phone Your Doctor
    3 Topics
  13. Pre-Training Day 11 | FIX IT: Fling Out Fake Food
    2 Topics
  14. Pre-Training Day 12 | FIX IT: Fill Your Pantry
    2 Topics
  15. Pre-Training Day 13 | FOODIE'S DELIGHT: From The Chef's Kitchen
    2 Topics
  16. Pre-Training Day 14 | FAREWELL: Fix Your Eyes On The Future
    2 Topics
  17. WEEK 1
  18. DAY 01 | FIGURING OUT DIABETES: It's The Insulin-Resistance, Stupid!
    4 Topics
  19. DAY 02 | FALSE FRIENDS: Carbohydrates, Sugars, Starches And Sweeteners (Part 1)
    4 Topics
  20. DAY 03 | FALSE FRIENDS: Carbohydrates, Sugars, Starches And Sweeteners (Part 2)
    4 Topics
  21. DAY 04 | FAT IS FUEL - Fuel me up, Scotty!
    4 Topics
  22. DAY 05 | FEARS AND FALLACIES - The FIRE diet is safe and effective
    5 Topics
  23. DAY 06 | FISH, FEATHERS & FILLET - What are proteins and why are they important?
    4 Topics
  24. DAY 07 | FOODIE'S DELIGHT - From The Chef’s Kitchen
    5 Topics
  25. WEEK 2
  26. DAY 08 | FULL SPEED AHEAD - Achieving Optimal Ketosis
    4 Topics
  27. DAY 09 | FOOD FLU: Deeper Into Ketosis
    4 Topics
  28. DAY 10 | FAT FAIRY TALE: False Science Exposed
    4 Topics
  29. DAY 11 | FAT SURPRISE: Surprising Cholesterol Facts
    4 Topics
  30. DAY 12 | FAT FACTS: What Are Fats And Why Does It Matter?
    5 Topics
  31. DAY 13 | FLUIDS ARE FOOD, TOO: What To Drink, And Why
    4 Topics
  32. DAY 14 | FUNDING YOUR FOOD: Low Budget Healthy Eating
    5 Topics
  33. WEEK 3
  34. DAY 15 | FIRE UP YOUR BODY: Fitness Facts
    4 Topics
  35. DAY 16 | FREE YOUR SPIRIT: Blow Away Your Diabetes
    4 Topics
  36. DAY 17 | FLATTENING THE CURVE: Losing Weight On The FIRE Diet
    4 Topics
  37. DAY 18 | FIGHTING FIT: The Links Between Diet, Exercise & Heart Disease
    4 Topics
  38. DAY 19 | FINE FOODS (Part 1): Micronutrients & Supplements
    5 Topics
  39. DAY 20 | FINE FOODS (Part 2): Micronutrients & Supplements
    4 Topics
  40. DAY 21 | FINDING FOOD FACTS: Reading Fine Print On Food Labels
    5 Topics
  41. WEEK 4
  42. DAY 22 | FAIRYLAND: Sleep, Diet And Health
    4 Topics
  43. DAY 23 | FASTING (Part 1): Rationale For Fasting & Preparing For Your First Fast
    4 Topics
  44. DAY 24 | FASTING (Part 2): What You Can Expect During Your First 23 Hour Fast
    4 Topics
  45. DAY 25 | FASTING (Part 3): Understanding Fasting Terms
    5 Topics
  46. DAY 26 | FASTING (Part 4): Fung Ku Fasting
    4 Topics
  47. DAY 27 | FEELING PAIN?: How Diet & Fasting Affect Chronic Pain
    4 Topics
  48. DAY 28 | FASTING (Part 5): When More Less Is More More
    4 Topics
  49. WEEK 5
  50. DAY 29 | FALLING APART: Diet & Mental Health
    3 Topics
  51. DAY 30 | FIXING STRESS: The Importance Of Lowering Cortisol
    3 Topics
  52. DAY 31 | FRAME OF MIND: Fear Of Failure & The Future
    3 Topics
  53. DAY 32 | FUN WITH FRIENDS: Drop That Cortisol!
    3 Topics
  54. DAY 33 | FOLLOW THE FOOD: Your Gut On Food
    3 Topics
  55. DAY 34 | FIGHTING CANCER: Insulin-Resistance & Cancer
    3 Topics
  56. DAY 35 | FASTING, REPLAY: When More Less Is More More
    2 Topics
  57. WEEK 6
  58. DAY 36 | FIXING YOUR HORMONES: Insulin-Resistance & Hormones
    3 Topics
  59. DAY 37 | FIGHTING INFECTION: Diet & Immunity
    3 Topics
  60. DAY 38 | FEED YOUR SKIN: Diet & The Bits That Other People See Of You
    3 Topics
  61. DAY 39 | FINAL APPROACH: Planning For The Future
    3 Topics
    3 Topics
  63. FIRE Forward: Day 1
  64. FIRE Forward: Day 2
FIRE Journey 65, Topic 1
In Progress

Pre-Training Day 7 | Share with your Healthcare Provider Copy

It is crucial that you inform your doctor about your FIRE Diabetes journey. If you are currently taking prescription medication, please schedule an appointment with your doctor within the next week to review the medications you are on. 

We also recommend that you ask your doctor to request some baseline bloods.

Don’t have a doctor?

If you don’t have a doctor, please contact the FIRE Diabetes Team, and they will assist you in finding a physician who can help you adjust your medication.

Information for your Healthcare Provider

We recommend sending the information sheet “Help Your Patient To Reverse Type 2 Diabetes: Doctors’ Guide To Support Patients On Their FIRE Diabetes Journey” to your doctor today. Feel free to read this report as well!

Letter to your doctor

Adapt the following cover letter to your doctor. You can use this concept letter as the text for a cover email when you attach the “Information Sheet for Healthcare Professionals” report for your doctor.

Drawing baseline bloods

Print the pathology form and request a quotation from your local pathology lab. Then, depending on your budget, decide which blood tests you would like to have done.