FIRE Journey 1, Topic 1
In Progress

P7 | FIRE Away | Your To Do List

P7 | Falling Into Place: Checklist Of Formalities For The Coming Week

Over the coming days you must put practical things in place before the FIRE Diabetes Journey starts in a week’s time. For example, you’ll need to study the meal plan for Week 1, customise your shopping list for Week 1’s groceries, send a document to your doctor (and make an appointment to see him), get bloods drawn, buy certain supplements, clean your pantry of fake foods, buy the groceries for Week 1, and practice some eating tips.

Today we provide you with a to-do list and all the documents you need to get everything in place by next Friday. Download and print these documents. Don’t panic if you feel overwhelmed! We’ll tell you step-by-step, over the next few days, exactly what you have to do every day. 

The reason we provide you with the documents all at once, is to allow you to plan your coming week. By having all the tasks and documents at hand, we allow you to do these tasks when it suits you. You don’t have to follow our schedule. As long as everything is done by next Friday.


  1. Before you do anything further, take time to catch up on any outstanding FIRE Away tasks from the past week.
  2. If you’ve missed the live online discussion last night, you can watch a recording on our FIRE Diabetes Club Facebook group.
  3. Watch today’s fun video: Falling into place: Formalities for the rest of the week. (We’ve had so much fun making today’s video. Please leave a comment for the kids!)
  4. Print the checklist of tasks (below) you have to complete over the next week in order to get everything in place before next Saturday. 
  5. Plan your coming week, ensuring you’ll get to all your FIRE Away tasks. If you fail to plan, you plan to fail. Don’t fall behind!
  6. Download (and print) all the documents needed for the coming week. Today you can download the forms for your doctor, lists of what you can eat and what not, the shopping list and meal plan for Week 1, as well as a list of supplements we recommend.
  7. Add information towards building your very own health record. It is very important that you contribute information every day. We’ve emailed you your PIN.
  8. Diarise Monday evening’s LIVE online discussion with Chef Pete Goffe-Wood at 20h00 (GMT +2h). You can join us live on Zoom or watch the live stream on our FIRE Diabetes Club Facebook group.
  9. Before you go to bed, take the list and check which false thought patterns and thought mistakes resurfaced during the day. Tell these thoughts and fears – in no uncertain terms – that they are false and tell yourself how you will replace them with thoughts to encourage and assist you on your journey to FIRE Diabetes.
  10. Ask a question to the FIRE Diabetes team or leave a comment.

Download and print your checklist of tasks for the next 7 days:
