FIRE Journey 1, Topic 1
In Progress

P6 | FIRE Away | Your To Do List

P6 | FILE IT: Building my very own health record

Over the past few days you prepared your mind for the journey to FIRE Diabetes. You also gathered your support team. Today, you have to catch up and finish all outstanding tasks.

We also invite you to participate in our ground-breaking initiative, where you can build your very own health record over the next 40 days. By participating, you will be part of history in the making. You will assist scientists at FIRE Diabetes to develop technology to change health information systems for good: you will control it; you will own it! What more do you want?


  1. Watch today’s video.
  2. …(Or listen to the podcast on Soundcloud. Nothing to FIRE the traffic, like our daily podcasts).
  3. Register today to start building your very own health record. Every day over the next 40 days, we will ask you a few questions. After 40 days, you’ll have a comprehensive health record from a bio-psycho-social-spiritual perspective, which will help you to plan ahead following this journey. I encourage you to read the article that we’ve published regarding this project. 
  4. Catch up on everything outstanding from the past 6 days: watch all the videos, read all the handouts and complete all the FIRE Away Worksheets. Tomorrow – and over the next week – we’ll start to put all the practical things in place for your journey to FIRE Diabetes In 40 Days.
  5. Join our live Zoom discussion tonight at 20:00 South African time (UTC +2h): Alternatively view the live stream (or a recording) on the FIRE Diabetes Club Facebook Group:
  6. Before you go to bed, take the list and check which false thought patterns and thought mistakes resurfaced during the day. Tell these thoughts and fears – in no uncertain terms – that they are false and tell yourself how you will replace them with thoughts to encourage and assist you on your journey to FIRE Diabetes.
  7. Ask a question to the FIRE Diabetes team or leave a comment.
