FIRE Journey 1, Topic 1
In Progress

P5 | FIRE Away | Your To Do List

P5 | Friend Or Foe - To Succeed, You Need Family, Friends And Fellow Workers

Let us recap the F-words to FIRE Diabetes we’ve addressed thus far: 

  • Day 1 | Fall Of The Big Domino: Fixing Diabetes Is Simple
  • Day 2 | Falsehoods: 6 Myths That Hold You Back 
  • Day 3 & 4 | Failure Fear: Shaking Off The Past, Facing The Future 
  • Today  | Friend Or Foe – To Succeed, You Need FamilyFriends And Fellow Workers


  1. Watch today’s video.
  2. …(Or listen to the podcast. Nothing to FIRE the traffic, like our daily podcasts.)
  3. Fill out today’s worksheet to prepare your mind and workspace for the journey.
  4. Request support from family, friends and follow workers. Customise the draft letter that we’ve provided and send it to them. Invite them to watch the video explaining how they can support you.
  5. Before you go to bed, take the list and check which false thought patterns and thought mistakes resurfaced during the day. Tell these thoughts and fears – in no uncertain terms – that they are false and tell yourself how you will replace them with thoughts to encourage and assist you on your journey to FIRE Diabetes.
  6. Ask a question to the FIRE Diabetes team or leave a comment.

Download and complete the Worksheet below:
