FIRE Journey 1, Topic 1
In Progress

P10 | FIRE Away | Your To Do List

P10 | FIRE Away | Your To Do List

Fix it: Phone your Doctor

Today is the day you are going to call your doctor.

It is easy to postpone this. Do you really have to?

The answer is YES.

We’ve provided you with the documentation on Pre-Training Day 7. For your convenience, we provide it again today. It is important that you inform your doctor of your FIRE Diabetes journey. And, if you are taking prescription medication, it is important that you make an appointment to have your doctor review the medication you are on.

WARNING: If you are taking SGLT2 inhibitors, such as dapagliflozin (Forxiga, Farxiga), empagliflozin (Jardiance) and canagliflozin (Invokana, Sulisent, Prominad), a low-carb diet such as the FIRE diet can result in ketoacidosis. Ask your doctor to stop these drugs, before proceeding with the FIRE journey!

You are also encouraged to obtain blood results before you start on the journey to reverse your diabetes. You don’t have to draw all these bloods – it depends on your budget. If you can afford to do only a few, we’ve ranked it below in the order of relevance.


  1. Watch today’s video.
  2. …(Or listen to the podcast. Nothing to FIRE the traffic, like our daily podcasts).
  3. Thoroughly read the information sheet, “Your FIRE Diabetes Journey With Diabetes Medications: Discuss With Your Physician”. This will prepare you for your discussion with your doctor.
  4. Send the information sheet to your doctor, “Help Your Patient To Reverse Type 2 Diabetes: Doctors’ Guide To Support Patients On Their “FIRE Diabetes” Journey”. Feel free to read this report too! Adapt the cover letter for your situation.
  5. Print the pathology form and get a quotation from your local pathology lab. Then determine – depending on your budget – which bloods you would like to get drawn.
  6. If you don’t have a doctor, contact the FIRE Diabetes Team to direct you to a physician that can help you to adjust your medication and provide you with a pathology form.
  7. Implement the eating tips. Eat at a table, hold hands, say a prayer, think about your food’s journey to the plate, chew every bite carefully, avoid all distractions from the main business at hand, which is to have a good time with people you love.
  8. Join our live Zoom discussion tonight at 20:00 South African time (UTC +2h). Alternatively view the live stream (or a recording) on the FIRE Diabetes Club Facebook Group. We will be joined by Chef Pete Goffe-Wood, Dr Frank Müller and participants from the previous FIRE Diabetes journey, discussing next week’s menu and shopping list.
  9. Ask a question to the FIRE Diabetes team or leave a comment
  10. If you’re feeling bored, just watch the “Six Myths” video again (Pre-Training Day 2). If you understand what we’re saying in that video, you will find it easier to counter arguments from people who think you are doing something crazy or stupid.


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