Welcome to FIRE Diabetes in 40 Days!
We are super-excited to have you on board!
The one thing that determines how well you will do on this journey, is your belief. You must believe that insulin resistance (and diabetes per se) can be reversed – and that you can do this. Without belief, failure is assured.
We know how hard this is. You know why? Because we all went through it ourselves. We weren’t born with magical knowledge, we had to learn this the hard way. We were taught wrong; we gave wrong advice.
Just keep at it. If you listen to the science long enough, you will get comfortable with the “new” truth. And the truth will set you free!
As you will hear many more times from us: Failure is not failure if you get up and try again. And again. And again.
We’re not here to focus on failures, we’re here to keep you motivated to try again and again and again.