FIRE Journey 1, Topic 1
In Progress

#8 | Your FIRE Away-To Do List For Today

DAY #8 | FULL SPEED AHEAD: Achieving Optimal Ketosis

Over the coming week we will focus on getting you in optimal nutritional ketosis with another 7 F-words to FIRE Diabetes:

  • Full Speed Ahead: Achieving Optimal Ketosis (Today)
  • Food Flu: Deeper into ketosis (Sunday)
  • Fat Fairy Tale: Fake Science Exposed (Monday)
  • Fat Surprise: Surprising Cholesterol Facts (Tuesday)
  • Fat Facts: What are fats and why does it matter? (Wednesday)
  • Fluids are Foods, too: What to drink, and why (Thursday)
  • Funding your food: Low budget healthy eating (Friday)


  1. Before you do anything further, take time to catch up on any outstanding FIRE Away tasks from the past week.
  2. Watch the video. 
  3. …(Or listen to the podcast on Soundcloud. Nothing to FIRE the traffic, like our daily podcasts).
  4. Download and read today’s handout. 
  5. Download and print the weekly program. Plan your coming week, ensuring you’ll get to all your FIRE Away tasks. If you fail to plan, you plan to fail. Don’t fall behind! 
  6. Spend some time over the weekend to reflect on your progress. Complete the checklist in front of the Meal Plan for Week 2. Are you making progress? Remember every day is a new beginning!
  7. Today is the weekly weigh-in. Please record your weight.
  8. Implement the tips to FIRE Diabetes, today.