FIRE Journey 1, Topic 1
In Progress

#2 | FIRE Away | Your To Do List

Day #2 | FALSE FRIENDS (Part 1): Carbohydrates, Sugars, Starches & Sweeteners

Welcome to the second day of our journey to FIRE Diabetes In 40 Days. Today and tomorrow we explore False Friends: Carbohydrates, Sugars, Starches & Sweeteners.

Today we explain the effect of carbohydrates on your body and tomorrow we focus on sweeteners.


  1. Watch today’s video
  2. …(Or listen to the podcast on Soundcloud. Nothing to FIRE the traffic, like our daily podcasts).
  3. Download and read today’s handout
  4. Daily Check-In: If you don’t measure it, you can’t move it. Those who submit their Daily Check-In reports every day get more out of FIRE Diabetes than anybody else. If you’re serious about firing diabetes, please take 3 minutes to complete your daily health record.
  5. Add information towards building your very own health record. It is very important that you contribute information every day. 
  6. Plan your coming week, ensuring you’ll get to all your FIRE Away tasks. If you fail to plan, you plan to fail. Don’t fall behind!
