The new FIRE Power is here!

When you joined the FIRE journey, you were likely taking a handful of prescription pills every day. One of your targets was to free yourself from bondage to all of these pills and their nasty side effects.
Skip forward a year or so. Lo and behold, as you completed the FIRE journey and joined the FIRE Circle, the need for drugs faded away bit by bit. But you suddenly found yourself drinking more pills again.
True, these weren’t nasty pills. They were pills to improve your health. But even so, you were back to counting out each morning’s pills for the day.
We constantly heard “I tried to get off my medication, now I have to drink a handful of pills every day”, or “These supplements are costing me an arm and a leg”, or “I just can’t get the bicarb into my body!”
At FIRE HQ, we are committed to ensuring you get as much nutrition from your food as possible. “Food as Medicine” is a key concept to us. Still, there are some nutrients you are not getting enough of in food, or of which you need more, just because living in the 21st century means you need extra resources to remain on top of your game.
Let’s list them…

- Take Vitamin D, for example. Few of us spend enough time (let alone naked time) in the sun to make our daily requirement of vitamin D. And being exposed to wifi and mobile radiation means we make even less vitamin D than ever. Unless we supplement with vitamin D, we’re not going to get enough of it. One pill.
- Then there’s Magnesium. Our ancestors got it from well and spring water, not so much from food. Around 1900, the average Londoner was getting 500 mg elemental magnesium daily just from drinking water. Now that we’re drinking either tap water or bottled water, we’re no longer getting enough magnesium. Unless we supplement, we’re going to miss out on this powerful mood-stabilising energy-boosting mineral. Two pills.
- Zinc? Unless you’re eating a fair amount of shellfish or red meat every day, you’re probably not getting enough of it. Pass the supplement jar, honey. One more pill.
- Vitamin B1 is found in food, but the amounts you need when healing from insulin resistance are much, much higher than those you can source from food. Add yet another pill.
- Ditto Vitamin C. With all the oxidative stress caused by insulin resistance, you need a minimum of 1,000 mg Vitamin C daily. There’s no way you can get this much from food – you’ll be eating all day. Another two pills. You’re still with me?
- Oh, and last of all – that dreaded baking powder/ bicarbonate of soda. You know your body needs it, but getting it down is such a chore, you’d rather be drinking dish wash liquid. One teaspoon.
So what options do you have? It’s either “drink your supplements” or living with multiple deficiencies. What a terrible choice!
Welcome to the new revolution in the FIRE lifestyle!
We heard you! Doc Frank, our resident expert on micronutrients and supplements, locked himself into his lab (or maybe his wife did), and after many days and weeks of tinkering away, he emerged with THE FIRE POWER a year ago!!!
And now we are able to launch the 3rd version of the FIRE Power basic, thanks to Doc Frank’s alchemy and constructive feedback from FIRE Circle members.
Check out this video as Dr Stef discussed the latest FIRE Power batch with Doc Frank.
Instead of offering you a handful of pills, we now have FIRE POWER BASIC, a powder blend of all the above (and more) in the right amounts and ratios. We did the thinking for you. All you need to do, is scoop a heaped teaspoon into a cup of cold water and drink it.
This all-in-one super powder will give you all the benefits (and more) that the handfuls of supplements gave you. One heaped teaspoon of FIRE POWER BASIC will give you the same benefits as 7 pills and 1 teaspoon.
Teaspoons of what? Soda bicarbonate! Yes, that Fear Factor morning routine of trying to get a teaspoon of bicarb in, is a thing of the past. FIRE POWER BASIC already includes the bicarb in a yummy way. In fact, you’ll be looking forward to this new morning ritual!
If you have reversed your insulin-resistance and reached your target body weight, one flat scoop will be enough. If you are still in the process, your FIRE Friendly doctor will probably advise 1 flat scoop twice daily.
Why take the new FIRE POWER BASIC?
- It’s fast and easy to make
- New subtle lemon & lime taste
- Refreshing
- No guesswork
- No time wasted
- With added Vitamin B5, to help with fat burning
- With added D-Ribose for energy and improved absorption
- See, we added two more ingredients on top of it all – for extra fat-burning and extra energy.