FIRE Journey 1 of 0
In Progress


If you are here, you are ready to FIRE Diabetes in 40 Days!


We are super-excited to have you on board to Fix Insulin Resistance Easily (F.I.R.E.).

Our journey together starts on Saturday, 10 June 2023 at 09:00 South African time (UTC +2h).

Your FIRE Away to-do list for today:

While we wait in anticipation to meet each other on Zoom, please click on the links at the bottom of this page to:

  1. Set your password to ensure access to this portal, before you do anything else
  2. Read more what to expect
  3. Complete your Onboarding Form for our medical team as soon as possible
  4. Introduce yourself
  5. Save the link for our first Zoom meeting
  6. Save our contact details on your device
  7. Reset your password

So, relax, we’ve got all the bases covered. Come back here on 10 June 2023, where you’ll find our video broadcast, other resources to read and your tasks to do. Don’t worry, weu2019ll send an email to remind you! In the meantime, stay safe.

Our team is looking forward to guide you on your journey to FIRE in 40 Days.

See you soon!

The FIRE Team