FIRE Journey 1 of 0
In Progress



All you have to do this week is to prepare and eat the food we prescribed. And to provide the team with feedback so that we can support you adequately.

This week we will discuss another 7 F-words in the process to FIRE Diabetes in 40 Days.

36 Saturday Fixing Your Hormones: Insulin-Resistance And Hormones
Continue with 72 hour fast
37 Sunday Fighting Infection: Diet And Immunity
Break 72 hour fast with light lunch
38 Monday Feed Your Skin: Diet And The Bits That Other People See Of You
23-hour fast
Reflect on progress (set aside an hour)
39 Tuesday Future Planning
Prepare meal plan for next week
Plan the next 40 days (set aside an hour)
40 Wednesday Feedback & Fellowship
23-hour fast
Provide feedback on your progress and plans
LIVE celebration on Zoom / Facebook at 20h30 (GMT +2h)
1 Thursday FIRE forward (Day 1)
Start to implement our plan
2 Friday FIRE forward (Day 2)
23-hour fast


Download: Programme Week 6