FIRE Journey 1 of 0
In Progress

FIRE Forward: Day 2

FIRE Forward in the Circle

Today is your 23 hour fast. Enjoy it! Remember to drink enough water.

If you haven’t done so yet, click here to register for the FIRE Circle.

Here are your tasks to keep insulin resistance FIREd:

  1. STTGL, D’TC & add more fats
  2. Exercise – you know the drill
  3. 3 Deep Breaths per hour
  4. Meditate
  5. Have fun – the belly laugh thing!
  6. Follow the eating tips
  7. Drink your supplements. Order now!
  8. Drink 2½ litres of ….
  9. Before you go to sleep, whack those false thought patterns
  10. Sleep 7-8h tonight

Repeating blood tests

Don’t repeat your blood tests now, unless your doctor feels it is necessary. We recommend you do it in 3 months’ time, when the real benefit of the FIRE lifestyle will be visible in your blood work. We’ll email you more information nearer to the time.

See you in the Circle!