Home – Copy Forums FIRE 40-day Journey (16 September 2023) Introduce yourself to the FIRE team and other participants Reply To: Introduce yourself to the FIRE team and other participants

  • Koos Van Der Merwe

    18/09/2023 at 10:27 am

    I am Koos van der Merwe:) I am a pastor and missionary ( Did cross cultural church planting…Namibia 8 years..Ukraine 7 years.. Kazakhstan 5 years..). Currently I am doing counseling and sculpture work in Betties Bay Western Cape.

    My goal is to loose 28kg in the next year (weighing 128kg now) and restore insulin levels.. and conquer “severe” oasteo atherites. (I need my need my hands to do sculpture word but is most of the time to painful to work with teracotta clay).

    I am looking forward meeting “vital” friends in this FIRE journey! Thanks for the opportunity to be part of changing statistics on diabetis.